Why I bought it in the first place

The Analog Discovery 3 seemed like a band-aid solution to an ongoing problem I have been facing here at Cambridge: how do I get my own oscilloscope so that I can get back in to doing electronics without having to rely on the few shared scopes at the Dyson Center (the Dyson Center is sort of like a makerspace for engineering students, it isn’t great though…)

When I was considering my options, the Rigol DHO800 series has just been anounced, and at that price point and form factor, it was an extremely compelling choice, and I’m still probably going to get one some day later.

Ultimately, it was the student discount that was available at the time that drove me to pull the trigger on the Analog Discovery 3. Since then though, it has exceeded my expectations and proven to be an amazing allrounder when it comes to debugging hobby level projects.

That being said, as with all test equipment, it isn’t without it’s quirks. This guide serves as a series of lab notes detailing my experience with this little beast, and what it can and cannot do.

The rest of this guide is split into sections that loosely correspond to the different personalities/modes that the waveforms software has to offer.